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By Christopher Smith
If you’re ever in a situation where you need to purchase a wheelchair, you’ll probably find that there are a number of different types available. The most popular wheelchair is the folding variety. Even athletes who take part in activities such as wheelchair basketball or wheelchair races often choose a folding wheelchairs to use during their competitions. A folding wheelchair can be both comfortable and versatile while allowing easier access and increased freedom of movement. You cant do that with motorized power wheel chair.
Advantages of a Folding Wheelchair
If you’ve ever examined a wheelchair in detail, you were likely surprised at how intricately it was constructed and at the number of movable parts it contained. As with any wheelchair, a folding chair will be put through a lot of wear and tear over its lifetime. The good thing is, folding wheelchairs have the benefit of being less rigidly-built as standard wheelchairs which means that if something goes wrong, they’re usually simpler to fix.
Another huge advantage of a folding wheelchair is that it is a lot more portable than a solid chair. When the person using the chair is going to their destination by car, the wheelchair can be folded down and carried in the trunk. This is radically different from the wheelchairs that cannot be folded. In order to transport a solid chair, you would require a van and a ramp and possibly additional items as well. It’s definitely not as convenient as transporting a folding wheelchair.
Along the same line, when a folding wheelchair isn’t in use, you can just fold it up and stow it away. In fact enough for some people to carry upstairs for storage. Another bonus for a folding wheelchair is that it’s a good option for an individual who doesn’t have a lot of strength in his upper body. With a folding wheelchair, it doesn’t take nearly the upper body strength or coordination to be able to use the chair and move it around.
If you ask for advice from someone who is very familiar with wheelchairs which model you should purchase, he’s perhaps going to tell you to get a vertical X-frame folding type of wheelchair. This chair is built with a very thin, compact structure making it even more convenient than other kinds of wheelchairs when it comes to transporting or storing it.
we all know that nothing manmade is faultless. The American Medical Association has reported stability problems with the X-frame. Instead of folding forward, the X-frame is designed to fold from side-to-side, right down the middle of the back of the chair. This design[s/pin] has been lessen the rigidity of the chair when it is open. As a result of these findings made by the AMA, many wheelchair companies have removed X-frames from their product lines. Even so, it’s still quite popular because of its simple, sturdy, and functional design. Score one for manual wheelchairs.
Hopefully you’ll never require a wheelchair; however, if you or someone you love happens to get hurt and you need to purchase or rent one, a folding wheelchair is still a good option.
About the Author: For more information on motorized power wheel chairs, benefits of folding wheelchairs and power wheelchair safety tips at http://www.wheelchariot.com
Source: isnare.com
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